Progresivne vyvazovanie pneu (dynapellets)
Domov › Diskusné Fóra › Motoporadňa › Progresivne vyvazovanie pneu (dynapellets)
- This topic has 17 odpovedí, 8 hlasov, and was last updated pred 15 years by raptor.
8. decembra 2009 o 11:53 #82694raptorÚčastník (Participant)
Ak to tu uz bolo tak sorry, ja som sa s tym este zatial nestretol
ale doklikal som sa na ku chlapikovi ktory vyvazuje gumu dynapeletami (on konkretne pouzil airsoftove naboje) zda sa mi to zaujimave a hlavne progresivne riesenie nakolko (zavazie) sa v dosledku odstredivej sily dostane priamo tam kde je potrebne
cize ak pri prezuvani novej gumy sa koleso vyvazi tak postupnim nerovnomernym opotrebovanim sa stava nevyvazenym, pri pouziti tohoto nazvime to "dynamickeho? progresivneho? vyvazovania" sa koleso po par metroch "samovyvazi"
video tu [linka]
stranka tu [linka]
povodna diskusia tu [linka]p.s. este musim zistit ci novu gumu najprv klasicky vyvazi alebo tam len supne tie "hrasky" a dalej sa po celu dobu zivotnosti nestara
8. decembra 2009 o 12:41 #82695ZOMBYÚčastník (Participant)A co ak mas gumy s dusou nebude tam mechanicke opotrebenie duse 🙂
8. decembra 2009 o 13:02 #82696raptorÚčastník (Participant)Nejake mechanicke opotrebenie tak zrejme bude, otazka je ci nie zanedbatelne
kazdopadne taketo riesenie je
– 100% ekologicke (nie je treba olovo ani ine kovy)
– 100% recyklovatelne
– nikto ti nikdy nedoskriabe raf pri zakladani / odoberani zavaziajediny "nedostatok" na kt. som zatial prisiel je ze sa to nebude dat kombinovat s ultrasealom + pripadne ak dostanes defekt tak na defekt spray sa ti tie gulicky mozu nalepit a cele to nasledne prestane fungovat
8. decembra 2009 o 13:54 #82697ExpressÚčastník (Participant)Je to celkom zaujimave este najst niekoho kto to realne vyskusa.
Len ci to nebude robit problemy pri spomalovani a pridavany, kolko ot/min musi mat koleso aby sa to vyvazilo?8. decembra 2009 o 14:18 #82698raptorÚčastník (Participant)Expres pozri si to video s flaskou 😉 🙂
uz som zistil ze vyrobca dynapellets odporuca 2 oz (chvilu trvalo nez som zistil kolko je to gramov) do kolies na GS…
ja to kludne vyskusam len premyslam ze kde kupim tie dynapellets (alebo mam pouzit naboje do airsoftu?? 😶 ako ten panko z ameriky?)
8. decembra 2009 o 14:27 #826998. decembra 2009 o 15:38 #827008. decembra 2009 o 16:00 #82701mananaÚčastník (Participant)Daj si tam gulickove zuvacky a mas to aj s ultrasealom 🤣 …javi sa mi to ako blbost, ako sa to sprava pri naklonoch (zotrvacnost vs gyroskopicky efekt)?? zevraj uz s US to dost citit (info bez zaruky)
8. decembra 2009 o 17:07 #82702raptorÚčastník (Participant)Manana moja domnienka je ze pri naklonoch tie gulicky drzia na mieste v strede behuna vplyvom odstredivej sily ale samozrejme niet nad vlastnu skusenost
idem poguglit volake skusenosti ludi co si to nasypali do gumy 🙂
8. decembra 2009 o 19:22 #82703DreamerÚčastník (Participant)raptor: toto ma dostalo: "what the hell is "oz"?" 😁 Si este nepocul o starom fantasy filme "Wizard of Oz"? 🤣 ([linka] 👋
9. decembra 2009 o 3:08 #82704ZOMBYÚčastník (Participant)Ja tomu tiez neverim a osobne si to nebudem skusat. Ja mam vela otazok od akej rychlosti to ucinkuje aky je priebeh pri vysich rychlostach, ake je opotrebenie tych zaracnych guliciek ako sa to sprava ked napr. chytis daku dieru ci sa to cele nerozhadze atd … mozno hlupe otasky je to asi ako s vakcinu voci chripke tiez si hu nedam xixi.
a ktym OZ (ounce) jednotkam oni su dve ak sa nemilim
jedna je USA a druha UK
1 USA OZ je asi 29,57ml
1 UK OZ je asi 28.41 mlA ja sa o doskrabane rafiky nebojim a raptor 100% ekologicke to neni sak aj sklo treba dako vyrobyt a opracovat! 100% je len to co vyraste a zhnije 😁
9. decembra 2009 o 8:39 #82705raptorÚčastník (Participant)Dreamer – neuveris ale to bola prva vec co ma napadla ten carodejnik zo zeme Oz 🙂 samozrejme vedel som ze to je jednotka cohosi ale nemal som absolutne ziadnu predstavu
ZOMBY – tvoja premena unci na mililitre je kuzelna 🤐 az na to ze to je treba odmerat v gramoch 😀 co sa tyka ekologie nebudem sa tu s tebou tahat o slovicka a percenta, obaja vieme ze olovo patri medzi tazke kovy a aj ked by sa uz nemalo pouzivat tak sa pouziva dalej
FAQ tu [linka]
Can I use Dyna Beads in my motorcycle?
You bet, and youll get a glass smooth ride! Whether you have a motorcycle, scooter or trike, move up to the super-smooth, weightless ride of Dyna Beads! See the Motorcycle Page here.
Can I use Dyna Beads for motorcycle road racing?
No. The inner liner compound of motorcycle road racing tires is too soft to allow Dyna Beads to perform properly. (this does not apply to off-road motorcycle racing)
Can I use Dyna Beads in motorcycle tires that use tubes?
Absolutely! As a precaution, we always suggest a new tube with a new Dyna Beads application to avoid the problems of compressor oil accumulating on the inside over time. It turns gummy and the beads will stick to it.
Do I need filtered valve cores for my motorcycle / scooter / truck?
The purpose of the filtered valve core is to prevent a bead from getting caught in the valve core mechanism. So if your valve stems can accomodate the filtered valve cores, then by all means go ahead and use them.
Filtered valve cores, however, do not fit a lot of the newer valve stems. They require a seat 1-1/4" down in the stem. If you cannot use them, simply rotate the tire so the valve stem is about the 6:00 position, or give the valve stem a quick shot of air prior to checking pressure.Can I use Dyna Beads in tires with inner tubes?
Absolutely! The inside of an inner tube is perfectly smooth, the ideal surface for Dyna Beads. We strongly advise using new inner tubes before installing Dyna Beads. This applies to motorcycles as well. The reason is that old inner tubes often have accumulations of compressor oil, which makes the inside tacky or sticky, which will inhibit Dyna Beads from working properly, or not at all.
Note: Some vehicles, like the Unimog, occasionally run inner tubes in these large aggressive tires. Some of these tubes can add 15 – 20 lbs per tire to the weight, so its advisable to let us know this when you inquire.myslim ze tebe to prekladat nemusim…
nevidim na tom nic "zazracne" je to cele o jednoduchej fyzike a preto si to niekde objednam a vyskusam
12. decembra 2009 o 12:37 #82706raptorÚčastník (Participant)Par realnych skusenosti ludi co to realne vyskusali
ghostrider1964 I have run Dyna beads on my 3rd set of tires and they work! Even at 128MPH, no wobbles or vibrations. I also noticed my I got more miles out of my Tourances which I feel is due them constantly to be in balance. I have heard that the airsoft BBs work but have not tried them yet.
Beemer Bob I put them in my new Tourances and they do work. 2 oz. front and rear.
Bobhazard THey work
Tried them on my GT and then the GS. SHop could not balance a BMW wheel, rear wheel, so I got these. With about 2k on the tires I had it on the ET highway in NV and had it up to 150 and it was smooth. And the front GT tire stem is 90- degrees and had no problem installing them on the front. I like emQXEA They work
I run a product called Equal in the both tires on my R1200GS. The bike does have a little smoother feel at highway speeds and I can not detect any out of balance at low speeds. I have about a 1000 miles on the tires at this time. The Equal beads are smaller than the Dyna Beads product. One problem with the beads is they can lodge in the valve stem and cause it to leak. You need to hit the valve stem with a blast of air before you check the pressure to prevent a leak. Truckers use the stuff in their tires so I would check with a shop that services truck tires. A motorcycle takes about 2 oz per tire, check the tire bead mufactures website
zdroj: [linka]
12. decembra 2009 o 16:56 #82707dusikÚčastník (Participant)raptor neviem, či sa tu nejedná o tzv. Trójsku uncu čo je cca. 31,1 gramu
v trójskych uncách sa napríklad obchoduje zlato…..
12. decembra 2009 o 17:04 #82708dusikÚčastník (Participant)Trojská unce nebo taky Troyská unce (v angličtině Troy weight nebo Troy ounce) je základní váhová jednotka na národních a mezinárodních trzích stříbra, zlata, platiny a dalších drahých kovů, příp. drahokamů. Název pochází z francouzského města Troyes, kde se v ní poprvé obchodovalo již v období středověku.
1 trojská unce = 1/12 trojské libry = 31,1034807 gramů
32,15 trojských uncí = 1 kilogram
175 trojských uncí = 192 uncí -
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